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Appointment For

One-Stop Diagnosis 

With Tube-Test     £820

Pay only £675 now


  • Ultrasound Scan £200

  • AMH Test £100

  • Consultation £200

  • Tube Test £475


  • Semen Analysis £145

Without Tube-Test    £595

Pay only £450 now


  • Ultrasound Scan £200

  • AMH Test £100

  • Consultation £200


  • Semen Analysis £145

  • Tube Test £475

Important Note

The Semen Analysis costing £145 will be invoiced after the test by the Priory Hospital. To book Semen Analysis, please contact us.


To book now, you need to pay only £675 which includes the consultation and other charges.

Important Note

The Semen Analysis costing £145 will be invoiced after the test by the Priory Hospital. To book Semen Analysis, please contact us.


To book now, you need to pay only £450 which includes the consultation and other charges.

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First Consultation

If you are new patient and require appointment for the first time.


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Follow Up Consultation

If you had an appointment with P4 Fertility (Dr. Jeve) previously.


Tests & Scans

Tube Test (HyCoSy)

If you're advised to have Fallopian Tube Test.


Blood Test

AMH Test

If you're advised to have Anti-Mullerian Hormone Test.



Ultrasound Scan

If you require an Ultrasound Scan such as Gynaecology Scan etc.




Please book this test between your cycle days 15 and 25.


This is a biopsy from the lining of your womb; you may take Ibuprofen before coming in.


ALICE detects the bacteria causing chronic endometritis, a condition affecting 30% of infertile patients that is linked to implantation failure and recurrent miscarriage. 

EMMA provides information on the proportions of all endometrial bacteria, including those linked to higher pregnancy rates. Includes ALICE. It gives information on the microbiome. 

Patient Information:


Please read HFEA advice on add-on tests and treatments for further information:




Please book an ultrasound scan and the test after ten weeks of pregnancy. 


Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) screens for the presence of specific chromosome disorders in the developing fetus. The test analyses DNA fragments in maternal plasma that have been released from both maternal and placental cells. NIPT requires a single blood draw, which poses no threat to the fetus and can be done as early as ten weeks gestation. By analysing the proportions of DNA fragments derived from different chromosomes or chromosome regions, NIPT can screen for the presence or absence of specific chromosome disorders.


NIPT is more accurate than first-trimester maternal serum screening and ultrasound in identifying pregnancies with or without these disorders. It diagnoses Trisomy 21, also called Down syndrome; Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome); and Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) Sex chromosome conditions such as Turner's Syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome and fetal gender if the couple wishes. 


Our test sensitivity is over 99% to diagnose healthy babies as compared to Combined first-trimester screening normally offered on NHS is 82%. We arrange tests and supply results only after consultation with our consultant. 


Please read HFEA advice on add-on tests and treatments for further information:


ERA Test


Please follow the advice of a consultant to book it; you will need a prescription for estrogen tablets.


This is a biopsy from the lining of your womb; you may take Ibuprofen before coming in.


ERA determines each woman's unique personalised embryo transfer timing, therefore synchronising the embryo transfer with the individualised window of implantation.


Your clinician will take an endometrial biopsy sample in a mock embryo transfer cycle. The evidence to support ERA needs to be more conclusive. Please discuss this with the consultant. 

Patient Information:​


Please read HFEA advice on add-on tests and treatments for further information:


Endometrial Scratch


Please Book Scratch on days 20-23 of the preceding cycle.


Endometrial scratching is carried out before IVF. During the procedure, the lining of the womb (the endometrium) is ‘scratched’ using a small sterile plastic tube, which is inserted in after a speculum exam like a smear test. It may be uncomfortable or painful—there is a slight chance of infection, pain, and spotting after the procedure.

The theory is that this procedure triggers the body to repair the scratch site, releasing chemicals and hormones that make the womb lining more receptive to an embryo implanting. Some also suggest the treatment may activate genes that cause the womb lining to be more receptive to an embryo implanting.HFEA advice: For most fertility patients undergoing IVF or ICSI, endometrial scratching is rated amber for improving the chances of having a baby. However, on balance, it is not clear whether this add-on is effective at improving the treatment outcome. There is conflicting moderate/high-quality evidence—in some studies, the add-on has been found to be effective, but in other studies, it has not.


Please read HFEA advice on add-on tests and treatments for further information:


Decidual Score Test


Natural cycle: Take the biopsy 7 to 9 days after the LH surge. 

Medicated cycle: After 5 days of progesterone. 


This is a biopsy from the lining of your womb; you may take Ibuprofen before coming in.


Molecular testing of endometrial (lining of the womb) biopsy samples for women with recurrent IVF failure and recurrent miscarriage is important to understand the of uterine receptivity and for a personalised therapeutic strategy.  


The test is based on molecular analysis of six factors associated with and essential for decidualization. The Decidualization score reflects how many of these factors are expressed at the normal range in the tested sample.


The Normal Decidualization score is “>4”. The score “4” is Borderline Normal. The score“<4 is Low Decidualization score. This test (Decidualization Score test) helps to determine if the lining of the womb is implant-friendly and could be used to select patients who require therapeutic actions to improve endometrial conditions before the IVF–ET procedure. The test is analysed at Chicago USA. 


The evidence to support the decidual score test and treatment following the test requires further conclusive evidence. Please discuss the test requirement and results with our consultant in a consultation appointment. 


Please read HFEA advice on add-on tests and treatments for further information:


Tests And Scans
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